The security of GFRC Windows & Doors.

“GFRC windows and doors can offer great performance in terms of strength and durability.”

The Security Features of GFRC Windows and Doors

In today’s world, ensuring the security of our homes and commercial spaces is of paramount importance. Among various building elements, windows and doors play a crucial role in maintaining a secure environment. Glass Fiber Reinforced Composite (GFRC) is an advanced material that has gained popularity in recent years, offering a multitude of benefits, including enhanced security features. In this article, we will explore the security aspects of GFRC windows and doors and compare them to traditional materials.

Understanding GFRPU: A Brief Overview

Glass Fiber Reinforced Composite (GFRC), is a composite material made by combining glass fibers with a polymer matrix. This unique composition results in a material that boasts exceptional strength, durability, and resistance to environmental factors. GFRC is lightweight and versatile, making it suitable for a wide range of applications, including windows and doors.

The Security Features of GFRC Windows and Doors

Now that we have a basic understanding of GFRC, let’s examine the factors that contribute to its enhanced security features:

  • Structural Strength: The combination of glass fibers and urethane polymer matrix in GFRC results in a material that is incredibly strong and resistant to impact. This structural strength makes GFRC windows and doors difficult to break, providing an additional layer of security.
  • Multi-point Locking Systems: GFRC windows and doors can be equipped with multi-point locking systems, which secure the window or door at multiple points along the frame. This feature makes it much harder for intruders to gain entry, providing enhanced security for your home or business.
  • Glazing Options: GFRC windows and doors can be customized with various glazing options, such as laminated or tempered glass. These types of glass are more resistant to breakage and can withstand greater impacts, further enhancing the security of your windows and doors.
  • Resistance to Corrosion and Decay: Unlike traditional materials like wood and steel, GFRC is resistant to corrosion and decay, ensuring that your windows and doors remain strong and secure over time.

Comparing GFRC to Traditional Materials

When it comes to security, GFRC windows and doors outshine traditional materials like wood, aluminum, and uPVC. Here’s how they compare:

  • Wood: While wood windows and doors can be aesthetically pleasing, they are susceptible to decay, warping, and damage from insects. GFRC, on the other hand, is resistant to these environmental factors and maintains its structural integrity over time.
  • Aluminium: Although aluminium windows and doors are strong and lightweight, they can be prone to corrosion, especially in coastal areas. GFRC offers superior resistance to corrosion, ensuring long-lasting security.
  • uPVC: uPVC windows and doors are affordable and provide good thermal performance, but their structural strength is not as high as GFRC. Moreover, uPVC can become brittle over time, making it more susceptible to break-ins.


As we have seen, the security features of GFRC windows and doors are impressive, thanks to their structural strength, multi-point locking systems, customizable glazing options, and resistance to corrosion and decay. When compared to traditional materials like wood, aluminium, and uPVC, GFRC windows and doors provide a more secure and durable option for homeowners and businesses alike.